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If Your Building Or Home Has Been Damaged By Fire Or Disaster, NYC Assist Is Here To Help.

If your property has been damaged, and your are displaced, NYC Assist will direct you to and expedite services that will provide you with financial and other assistance through the American Red Cross and other disaster relief programs.


American Red Cross

Emergency Windows & Doors Board Up

NYC Assist will arrange for certified emergency contractors to board-up windows and doors and secure the property against further damage, vandalism or intruders.

 We Will Help You Find Temporary Housing

With the help of the American Red Cross, NYC Assist will help you find a 3 day housing stay to relocate your family and/or tenants.

Emergency Financial Assistance

NYC Assist will help you get the financial assistance you need to pay for food and other necessities while you are displaced.

 We Can Help You Find Residency

Get vacate orders and the NYC HPD program to help find you an emergency residence.

Insurance Document Help

Get a FDNY property damage reports to submit to your insurance company.

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